Friday 24 April 2020

Week Five lesson learnt

I have only learnt one thing this week and, as previously, it is a lesson that in my heart of hearts I already knew.

I do not like ironing.

Even five weeks stuck inside the house is not enough to make me crumble and do any ironing. The iron has been out once in that time, and it was to fuse some Hama beads together. The pile of clothes waiting to be ironed still squats, sullen, on a shelf in the bedroom. It grows a little every week, but only a little, as few of my clothes need ironing, especially the ones I wear around the house. Nobody irons their pyjamas anyway do they*?

I have even started disassembling the dining chairs one by one to re-glue the joints and clamp them back together. I would rather learn furniture repairing than iron my own clothes.

I do not think this lesson casts me in the best of lights, but it is what it is.

* This is a joke. I am actually rigorous about getting dressed every morning as though I were going to work. If I didn't I might never actually do any work.

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking of putting up one of those safety signs except it will say " It has been 37 days since I last wore trousers that were not leggings"
